Lead an exciting career

Most of us spend over 1/3 of our waking adult years working. Make it an exciting 1/3. Work shouldn’t just be something to bring in money and pay the bills. It’s a big part of your life and if you’re going to spend 1/3 of your time working, find something that excites you. Find something [...]

Reading backwards: A more efficient method?

I often read newspaper or magazine articles backwards (from finish to start). And I have two theories why. The first theory is that when you read from page 1, you know there’s still a lot left. You’ve only just begun. But when you start at the end of the article, well… you’re already done. Now [...]

C’est la vie, mi casa su casa, et cetera

If you understand each of those phrases, guess what? You can speak multiple languages! Alright, so maybe that’s pushing the envelope a little, but it’s true. We grow up learning not just English, but phrases in other languages like French, Spanish, and Latin. In fact, those phrases are so ingrained in our society that they’re [...]

Laughing gets you far in my book

If you can make me laugh (which isn’t that hard to do), you get far in my book Laughing (or just smiling) is so important to your everyday health. Believe it or not, your physical health really does depend on your emotional health. Weird, right? Why would your body break down when you’re sad? Well, [...]

Interviewing is a two-way street

When you’re interviewing for a new job, don’t forget that it’s a two-way street. In my field, there are a few major things interviewers first look for: Are you competent? Can you handle stressful situations? Are you willing to learn new technology? These are all great topics that help filter out unqualified candidates. As the [...]

Separate personal from professional “speak”

It’s easy to get caught up using shorthand “speak” over e-mail. Be careful who you use it with. When talking professionally in-person, the chances that you get criticized for grammar or spelling is almost none. However, professional e-mail requires much more attention to be paid towards grammar, spelling, and proper English. In addition, it’s important [...]

We need each other

There are some things we simply can’t get through alone. We need each other. The strength of a relationship with a significant other is more than just love, mutual interests, or having fun. Without the other, you’re just not the same person; it’s a bond that can’t be broken. I need you and you need [...]

Ideas don’t come out of thin air

Most ideas don’t just come out of thin air. They’re the result of knowledge and experience in a special line of work. When you work in a certain field, you learn about what works and what doesn’t. Entrepreneurs in that field are able to take what they know about what doesn’t work and come up [...]