Estimating is hard.

How do you become good at estimating? Because I’m terrible at it Whether it’s height, weight, or time, I always underestimate. How long will it take me to drive to Newton Centre? 25 minutes would become an hour. How long will it take me to finish a project? 5 days would turn into 3 weeks. [...]

Get smarter. Read a book.

Books are a great way to improve both your vocabulary and your knowledge. Take a little time each day and pick one up. I’m reminded of The Librarian: Quest for the Spear whenever I think about how books can help you become smarter. I tend to read nonfictional books that touch on aspects of science, [...]

Happy New Year’s

Happy New Year’s! For many of us, 2007 has brought us success, disappointment, happiness, anguish, excitement, boredom, comfort and stress… among others. What’s great about a new year is that it’s a chance to start off on a clean slate (psychologically). Take a moment to reflect on all that’s happened in 2007 and what you’d [...]

Brick walls are not there to keep us out

If you want it badly enough and put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other [...]

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Festivus to you and yours this season! Regardless of whether you’re “ho ho ho-ing”, lighting the candles, or taking part in the annual Feats of Strength, all celebrations share one thing in common: spending time with friends and family. So I hope you were able to get [...]

Keep yourself energized at work

For those of us who sit in a cubicle all day at work, it’s not easy to stay energized and 100% focused on the task at hand. When I worked at Network Solutions a few years ago, I found that I was full of energy in the morning, but sluggish after lunch. This can affect [...]

Don’t grocery shop when you’re hungry

If you’ve ever been hungry while grocery shopping, you know that can lead to bad decisions Hunger can be a persuasive person. In college I used to go to the grocery store right before dinner and buy something like a fresh load of bread, only to find myself eating through half of it before I [...]

The finish line and you

Everything’s always easier when the finish line is in sight. It’s amazing the second wind we get when we can see the finish line for any project we’re working on or sport we’re playing in. When I rowed in high school, the last 100 meters of the race was always able create so much energy [...]

No pain, no game gain

When it comes to exercise, if you can’t feel the burn, you’re doing something wrong. I know when I’ve had a good workout because I’m in pain afterwards. That soreness you feel is the result of tiny tears in your muscles. When you rest afterwards, your body heals itself by building new muscle cells to [...]

A different you: Being off on your own

It’s funny how different we can be when we’re off on our own. Over the past several years, I’ve lived in Rochester, NY; Harrisburg, PA; Boston, MA; and Herndon, VA. In each place, I went there not knowing anyone. What I find most interesting about being on your own is how different you can be. [...]

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