Ideas don’t come out of thin air

Most ideas don’t just come out of thin air. They’re the result of knowledge and experience in a special line of work. When you work in a certain field, you learn about what works and what doesn’t. Entrepreneurs in that field are able to take what they know about what doesn’t work and come up [...]

Write a book. Make a difference.

I’ve always wanted to write a book. Not a novel or tall tale, but something in nonfiction. Writing a fictional book is one thing. Writing a book that will educate or help other people is another and I think that’s what interests me the most. Blogging kind of gives you that opportunity to dip your [...]

Sorry about the outages!

Sorry about the outages lately. I recently upgraded to a new hosting provider, SliceHost, and it turned out to be a larger learning curve than expected getting everything set up perfectly. However, you’ll be happy to know that the website should be a bit snappier now and much more reliable. Let me know if you [...]

Thanks, Jessica

I wanted to take a minute to thank Jessica, my guest blogger, for her last post on weirdness. Hopefully she’ll be willing to come back soon and do it again Thanks Jess!

Welcome, stranger

First, I’d like to thank you for dropping by and checking out the blog. Hopefully we’ll see some interesting things come out of it. I’ll be talking about random topics, many of which will probably be related to software development. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Look forward to [...]