Talking nonsense is sometimes easier

Some people are actually better at carrying on conversations that make no sense than those that do. It’s strange, but true. It’s not always easy telling a story or a joke or just having a conversation about a particular subject. There’s direction and meaning in everything you say. For those who aren’t smooth talkers, that’s [...]

C’est la vie, mi casa su casa, et cetera

If you understand each of those phrases, guess what? You can speak multiple languages! Alright, so maybe that’s pushing the envelope a little, but it’s true. We grow up learning not just English, but phrases in other languages like French, Spanish, and Latin. In fact, those phrases are so ingrained in our society that they’re [...]

Random topics are the best conversation starter

If you’re in a bar or other social place and meeting someone for the first time, don’t talk about work. Random topics are, by far, the best conversation icebreaker when meeting someone. Don’t talk about work, the weather, where you’re from, or any of that basic stuff. That’s boring conversation that usually goes nowhere. For [...]