Laughing gets you far in my book

If you can make me laugh (which isn’t that hard to do), you get far in my book Laughing (or just smiling) is so important to your everyday health. Believe it or not, your physical health really does depend on your emotional health. Weird, right? Why would your body break down when you’re sad? Well, [...]

The worst that can happen is we’ll laugh

Sometimes if you make a mistake in front of someone, the best thing you can do is laugh. I touched on this before, but this time I have a story A while ago, I was dancing with this woman (we’ll call her Beth) at a swing event. The song being played had a rhythm that [...]

It’s okay to make a fool of yourself

Even when you’re in front of people you don’t know, it’s okay to make a fool of yourself. Really! I don’t recall where I heard this or who I heard it from, but whenever I’m with a group of people I don’t know, I never worry if I make a fool of myself. “You’ll never [...]